Why Join AshBiz
Ashfield Business Chamber is open to any business In Ashfield, parts of Croydon, Haberfield and Summer Hill. The chamber provides may services to the local business community.
We provide a conduit for information exchange between council and business. The chamber executive attends quarterly meetings with senior executives of the Inner West Council together with heads of other chambers across the now enlarged council area. We liaise regularly with the Business Relations Coordinators and Economic Development manager at IWC.

Direct Opportunities to Engage with Local Community Events

Increased Customer Awareness & Sales

Direct Contact with Local Businesses
B2B Discount Program
The B2B Discount Program is designed to help promote local business-to-business interactions with each other on purchases, services and collaborations. This is a free service for all business members part of Ashbiz and is included in all membership packages.
While it is optional for members to offer discounted services, it will be highly encouraged as this will help create new local connections and regular customers. All offers will been displayed on the website and via email campaigns.
B2B Discount Program Coming Soon!
Advertisement Blocks
To achieve greater awareness & education throughout the AshBiz community, two of our AshBiz memberships (Premium & Platinum) include advertising spots that your business can freely use throughout your membership. These spots are renewed annually.
Bronze Advertisement Spot
A bronze advertisement spot is located within the navigation bar and visible when viewers hover over and browse the ‘Explore’ tab.
Gold Advertisement Spot
A gold advertisement spot is a full page feature located directly under the large search bar on the homepage.
The length of these advertisement spots will be decided during our next committee meeting.

All payment details is stored on a high level 256-bit encryption server (SSL). Information you send or receive through the site is private.
Information you will need to begin
Business Address
Business Contact Information
Website Address (Optional)
Business Facebook, YouTube, Instagram & LinkedIn (Optional)
Images & Files:
Company Logo (Minimum Size: 400x400px)
Cover Image (Minimum Size: 1200x600px)
Gallery images (Multiple – Minimum Size: 600x600px)
PDF Documents (Useful to upload menus, price guides, etc..)
All images can be resized during the uploading stage.
Membership Payment Plans
(Submit your business listing by clicking on payment plan below to register your business).
Becoming part of AshBiz requires an active paid subscription.
There are a total of three membership tiers varying in costs and benefits.
All memberships commence on 1 July each year
All renewals must be by 30 June each year
All renewals must be by website credit card or direct debit
New members can join as follows
Full fee $60/$120/$300 (July – December) – or if becoming a member between April – June, pay via website/credit card below, which will carry on to the following year, 30 june.
Special Membership discount available
$40 ( between 1 January to 31 March period ) – accepted by direct eft only.
Pay to:
Ashfield Business Chamber Inc
BSB: 082-465
Account No: 130665326
Note:The EFT remit receipt to be emailed to ashbizchamber@gmail.com
To get your business listing on the ASHbiz website, it is mandatory to register your business online by signing up, by clicking on
“Get Started Now”, below