Shop Owner FAQ

No, AshBiz is completely free to use. However, to help with uprunning costs, AshBiz also offers paid options which gives the listing owner several benefits.

Find out more information here

Using the navigation at the top, select My Account > Add New Listing

You will first be asked to register/login to the AshBiz website.
All listings on AshBiz are moderated and are subject to approval.

To submit an event, follow the same steps as you would with a listing – In navigation at the top, select My Account > Add New Listing.

At the start of the form, you will need to select Event under Listing Type.

You will first be asked to register/login to the AshBiz website.

Note: You may be contacted for further information regarding your event before approval.

Yes, you can edit your published shop at anytime.

  1. Hover over your Account name in the navigation bar (top left)
  2. In the drop down choose Your Listings
  3. Under the desired listings, choose the Edit button.
  4. Complete any changes you desire and click on Save Changes

Changes may take up 1 hour to be visible on the website.

All listings on the AshBiz website are subjective to moderation and a set of guidelines. if your listing has been rejected, please refer to the rejected email to find out more information.

Listings can be rejected if it contains or suggets any of the following:

  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3
  • List 4
  • List 5
  • List 6
  • List 7
  • List 8
  • List 9

General User FAQ

Using the navigation at the top select My Account > Add New Listing

You will first be asked to register/login to the AshBiz website.

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